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Третя проба А3: Українська мова/письмо

Last updated on 2021-12-08

Note: these are just suggestions, and do not guarantee approval from your виховник/ця, зв’язковий/а or the Крайовий/а Комедант/ка УПЮ. They have the final say about whether a project works for that тема!

This точка for третя проба is part of the first category of теми: the Три Головний Обов’язки Пластуна. That means that this is one of 8 different теми you can pick for this 3 тема category.

Let’s take a look at the suggested projects for this тема:

The gist that I’m getting here is this project wants the юнак or юначка to engage with the Ukrainian language in a deliberate way.

Вивісить словник українських слів/висловів у домівці й заохотить інших, щоб його доповнювали.

I remember seeing one project of a “modern day tech Ukrainian” словник. It was a booklet made by folding a page in half, and it listed some English tech words in Ukrainian . I’d love to see an update of that словник, or someone writing a slang English-Ukrainian dictionary.

Another specialty словник that is sorely missing is a словник of Пласт specific words for new пластуни, or their parents. We use a lot of really specific words that either don’t make sense in regular conversation (розвідовач?) or might have very different connotations in conversations outside of Пласт (табір). I believe the PlastUA Instagram account has a running series like this- maybe you can think of more words to add, or add specific words that пластуни in your country use. Оселя names come to mind.

Напиши твір для молодшого юнацтва чи для новацтва і розкаже їм про нього.

Writing a story would be a great outlet for creative юнацтво. What if you wrote a couple of short kid’s books about your first сходини, or your first табір? It could be a great way to encourage local families to sign their kids up to Пласт. Take the opportunity to collaborate with a friend who illustrates. Maybe it could be a group project, with the illustrator putting it under Г4: Пластова преса? Check with your зв’язковий/а, or the current ККЮ, before pursuing the illustrator side of the project.

A journal of your life in Пласт would also be interesting. Maybe you keep a daily journal during табір, where you write about the day and what you learned. Write the spark notes to Велика Гра, Життя в Пласті, or another fantastic book.

Something else that comes to mind when thinking about the word письмо is letter writing. If you know me personally, you probably know that I love sending letters and postcards all around the world. What if you organized Пласт pen pals? Or make an exhibition of your letters to other пластуни from around the world (with permission of the letter senders of course).

Other ideas

What if you made a ton of word-based games for виховники to use for сходини? Crossword puzzles, cryptograms, anagrams, etc? You could make all the puzzles to теми that a виховник would most likely need, like впоряд, табірництво, or the 14 точок. You might be able to swap this project for Г2: Пластові ігри if need be.

Writing a song could also fall under this category, but most likely you would use such a project for Г1: Українські пісні й музика.

Have an idea? Email me and I’ll include it on the site 🙂

Published inЮнацтво