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Третя проба А2: Релігія свого віровзнання

Last updated on 2021-12-08

Note: these are just suggestions, and do not guarantee approval from your виховник/ця, зв’язковий/а or the Крайовий/а Комедант/ка УПЮ. They have the final say about whether a project works for that тема!

This particular тема can lead to some great projects. I personally fulfilled A2 by making a молитовник for пластуни, complete with inline накази for the бунчужний/а and translations of some words for better understanding. Perhaps they still use it in Писаний Камінь?

This тема can also be problematic. Let’s face it: beliefs are changing. My observations are purely anecdotal, but concepts like religion, церква, and in general spirituality are changing for пластуни in the USA. This article is not the place to have this much needed discussion though, this article is all about третя проба.

а. Переведе гутірки, запрошуючи відповідні особи, на такі теми: вміє оборонити свою віру (у формі майстерні з дискусією); знає свій релегійний обряд (відвідає церкву і зустріниться з парохом який пояснить обряд); пояснить христіянські чесноти в Пластовому Законі. До цього проєкту слід ще додати якусь спільну дію.

All of these гутірки sound like opportunities to discuss how Пласт and our personal religious beliefs intertwine (and maybe even diverge). Make sure to moderate these гутірки well by making it a safe place for people to share their thoughts.

My brain goes straight to a volunteer soup kitchen for a спільна діа. My church youth group would usually meet to do добрі діла, and I think it’s a perfect way to weave faith and Пласт together.

б. Приготує календар українського релігійного року.

What does українського релігійного року even mean? I don’t think they’re talking about Івана Купала… or maybe they do? Either way I think this could be a great way to investigate our rich cultural traditions that blend pagan and Christian beliefs together.

I suggest looking up traditions for name days, particular saint’s days (Андріївський вечір, Маланка), and holy days (Маковія, Русальний тиждень) and somehow present your findings. Here are some thoughts:

  • make a website about how your станиця celebrates the українский релегійний календар, or any other holidays that you do.
  • make a poster for each month of the year for your станиця. Include a brief description of the holidays, along with photos or drawings.
  • if you have monthly or seasonal курінні сходини, give a гутірка for whatever holidays pop up and celebrate it (if it makes sense).
  • record your гурток/курінь celebrating some of these holidays, and post on social media. Encourage other гуртки to participate.

в. Ознайомиться з архітектурою і розмальованням одної української церкви у свойому місті і зорганізує оглянення її для гостей міста.

Who doesn’t love some Ukrainian church architecture? It’s beautiful, and full of symbolism. Take a deep dive into one of your local churches and share what you’ve found with your станиця. I bet some someone in your станиця has ties to the church- maybe you can tie in local пласт history into your presentation.

If you decide to give tours of a church, I would make sure to coordinate with the church office to gain permission. Maybe you can work with the church to give a a tour on Великий Четвер, or Maundy Thursday. It’s a Roman Catholic tradition to visit 7 churches on that day, and our churches can look quite different from the typical Catholic church!

Have an idea? Email me and I’ll include it on the site 🙂

Published inЮнацтво