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Третя проба Б1: Історія Пласту

Last updated on 2022-09-20

Note: these are just suggestions, and do not guarantee approval from your виховник/ця, зв’язковий/а or the Крайовий/а Комедант/ка УПЮ. They have the final say about whether a project works for that тема!

Б: Пластова ідея і організація is one of the categories that requires three projects. One of the themes that you can pick for this is історія Пласту, or the history of Пласт. Good thing that Пласт’s history is really interesting!

Out of these, I see a few patterns.

  • find something from the history of Пласт on a local, regional, national, or international level,
  • gather these items into some sort of a collection,
  • share this collection of historical Пласт objects with other people.

The driving point of projects from this theme isn’t for you to simply learn something. Rather, it’s for you to share what you’ve learned about the history of Пласт with other people.

а. Знайде матеріяли з історії Пласту з різних джерел, помножить їх для роздачі. На базі матеріялів підготує гру типу “Trivial Pursuit” на тему історії Пласту.

In this example, you go very general in terms of history gathering, and make a game out of it. I can see this being a 2 partner project. First, you have to make some materials for participants to read, or present the information. This can be at гуртковий/курінні, or maybe team up with a гурток that’s working on 2га проба and needs to brush up on their Пласт history. Then, you can play a game. Let’s think of ways we can mix this up:

  • Change the game. Jeopardy is a popular one, but you can also try Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Press Your Luck. Prizes can be курінний swag, Пласт/nature themed art from a friend of yours, etc.
  • Narrow the scope. Make a game specifically about the history of your станиця. This could be a fun activity the day of a станична збірка (відкриття/закриття), or an anniversary event.

б. Збере знімки із ЮМПЗ і створить станичну хроніку до якої можуть додавати в часі члени станиці.

This example has a narrower scope, and an added collaboration aspect.

  • Instead of ЮМПЗ you can focus on your курінь, or if your гуртокname is a “historical” name in your курінь, different eras of your гурток.
  • Instead of a scrapbook, it can be a big cork board. Make it collaborative so people can add their own materials (to the materials you’ve already posted).
  • Collect oral histories from people in your станиця about a particular event like ЮМПЗ or the building of a new домівка. Share via a website, or a exhibit in your станиця.

в. Зробить газетку на одну тему, напл. пластові оселі, пластові курені, Пласт в кожні ері.

This is similar to the previous example. Think of other ways we disseminate information these days: podcasts, social media, websites, blogs… there’s lots of ways you can create a presentation of history. Don’t want to go digital? What if you made a zine about your favorite оселя, or about your курінь? That would be a great keepsake for years to come.

Have an idea? Email me and I’ll include it on the site 🙂

Published inЮнацтво