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Третя проба Б4: Пластова організація і провід

Last updated on 2022-09-20

Note: these are just suggestions, and do not guarantee approval from your виховник/ця, зв’язковий/а or the Крайовий/а Комедант/ка УПЮ. They have the final say about whether a project works for that тема!

Приготує газетку на тему “Пласт у світі” де подасть інформації про членство, дату заснування, головні осередки пласту, КПС даної країни.

This is a тема that would be fascinating to do in the 21st century. Пласт is growing all over the world, with групи popping up from northern Europe to China. Most of the групи have an Instagram or Facebook, so information and pictures from these new групи are readily available.

For another idea, why not profile current КПС members in your country? Or, take one position of your станичний провід (like Голова) and make profiles for the past 5+ people who were in that position. What were the highlights of their каденція? What does that position do, and how does that contribute to the organization as a whole?

Have an idea? Email me and I’ll include it on the site 🙂

Published inЮнацтво