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Третя проба А5: Українські звичаї і традиції

Last updated on 2022-09-20

Note: these are just suggestions, and do not guarantee approval from your виховник/ця, зв’язковий/а or the Крайовий/а Комедант/ка УПЮ. They have the final say about whether a project works for that тема!

There are a lot of Ukrainian traditions. A LOT! There’s almost too much you could do for this точка- A5a gives you a sample of some of the свята you could help organize at your станиця. To give you an idea of just how many there are, the category Зимовий обрядовий цикл (winter ritual cycle) has 20 different entries on Ukrainian Wikipedia. That’s just winter!

What I think would be interesting to see is how you bring these traditions into the 21st century. I’ve seen many Івана Купала ватри and Андріївські вечорниці, and they are fun… but I want to see how you ensure everyone who participates feels included.

На обрядові й календарні свята підготує відповідну програму (напр): св. Миколай (для новацтва), Різдвяний вертеп (для станиці на коляду або в домі для старших), гагілки або гри на Великдень, обжинки (у вересні), програму на Маланку, вечір Андрія-Калити.

The thing I want to stress here is that organizing something doesn’t mean you do everything by yourself. If you’re organizing a св. Миколай, you can’t play св. Миколай and the angels. During a вечір Андрія-Калити you’re not going to lead every game. Make a plan, and recruit others to carry out different stations. Email them instructions ahead of time of what they are supposed to do, and leave a copy of the directions at the station for your volunteers to follow. Remember what the main goal of третя проба is, which is learning how to be a leader.

Зробить і вивісить в домівці календар національних і народних свят.

I loved researching different народних свят back in the day. There are so many свята to include, from Маланка to Маковія. While the народний календар is pretty set, would you add anything to it? What would you include in terms of національних свят?

Have an idea? Email me and I’ll include it on the site 🙂

Published inЮнацтво